I hold my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at LaBRI laboratory from the University of Bordeaux 1 (France) received in December 2008. From December 2009 to August 2011, I was Postdoc in the group Machine Learning in Biology at the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society. You can check out my old homepage on FML website.
From September 2011, I work as Maître de Conférences (associate professor) in the Combinatorics and Bio-informatics (ComBi) Group of LINA at the University of Nantes.
You can see my short CV here (June 2012).
PhD proposal - Proposition de thèse:
The following PhD proposal is very likely to be funded. Please contact me for more info.
- Subject:Complex Graphs in Biology - Problems, algorithms and evaluations (in french - only the abstract is in english)
- Duration: 3 years (36 months)
- Starts: September 2015
- Géraldine Jean
LINA - Office 124
University of Nantes
2 rue de la Houssiniere
44322 Nantes- France - Tel: +33 2 51 12 58 04
- Email: geraldine.jean at univ-nantes dot fr